What drugs men treat inflammation of the prostate

The genitourinary system of men is prone to the development of inflammatory processes associated with exposure of tissues to pathogenic microflora. Failure to follow the rules of hygiene, unprotected sex, weakened immunity, lack of regular sports activities - all these are factors that provoke the development of stagnation and inflammation in the prostate gland.

groin pain with prostatitis

The symptoms of acute prostatitis are the basis of immediate medical attention, and the chronic form of the disease requires constant monitoring.

Therapy of various forms of prostatitis

To date, doctors use certain regimens to treat inflammatory diseases of the prostate. The choice of drugs largely depends on the form of prostatitis and the degree of manifestation of its symptoms.

In acute inflammation, fast-acting drugs with antibacterial properties are indicated.

The doctor should prescribe treatment after examination and determination of the type of microorganisms that caused the development of prostatitis. Sometimes, in acute symptoms, antibacterial drugs are prescribed immediately when the patient comes into contact. In the future, after receiving the results of laboratory tests, the urologist may prescribe another drug for prostatitis.

sowing for prescribing drugs for prostatitis

The basis for the appointment of one or another type of antibiotics are the results of microbiological culture.

If the acute form of the disease is treated relatively quickly, then in chronic prostatitis therapy can last up to six months. Usually the doctor prescribes a whole range of drugs that should be taken according to the established scheme. It is important to remember that the prostate gland in chronic disease can become inflamed repeatedly, so patients should visit a doctor regularly and undergo a course of treatment prescribed after a second examination.

Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are chosen depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and its causes. Inflammation should be treated with medications aimed at reducing the symptoms that usually present with urinary problems, pain and deteriorating sex life. If the drugs for prostatitis are chosen correctly, the patient after a week notices a decrease in pelvic discomfort and the volume of urethral discharge, normalization of urine flow.

cure for prostatitis

The fast action of the product is not a guarantee for its best efficiency.

Many prostatitis medications reduce the symptoms of the disease in a relatively short time, so patients find them most effective. In fact, this is not entirely true, as not all drugs are able to eliminate the cause of the disease.

The drug prescribed for prostatitis should be chosen after identifying the provoking factors.

Conducting antibiotic therapy

Before using a drug for prostatitis with antibacterial properties, the patient should undergo an examination, which includes not only external examination, but also examination of blood, semen, urine, bacterioscopy of urethral smear. The result of the analysis allows the urologist to accurately determine the choice of antibacterial drug. If several types of microbes are detected at once, the prescribed course should consist of two or more drugs.

drugs for prostatitis

When two antibiotics are prescribed, they can be administered in different ways, for example in the form of injections and tablets.

In acute prostatitis, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. In mild symptoms of the disease, antibiotics are indicated to prevent infection. The urologist decides which medications the patient should take after receiving a transcript of the tests.

The modern approach to the treatment of acute inflammatory prostate disease involves the use of antibiotics for a week and a half. For the treatment of the chronic form the scheme is prepared for a longer period - about two months.

A drug containing levofloxacin in its composition relieves inflammation well. This substance is able to quickly accumulate in the affected tissues and destroy streptococci and staphylococci. The drug is very effective, but can lead to the development of side effects from the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

a man studying medicine for prostatitis, summary

Before starting treatment with the drug, you should carefully study the side effects described in the annotation and the rules for taking the tablets.

The tablet should be taken only after a meal, otherwise irritation of the lining of the stomach and intestines may occur. If this drug for prostatitis causes severe deterioration of well-being, it is better to consult a doctor.

In chronic inflammation of the prostate has a good effect drug that acts on various types of pathogens.

Serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, may occur with the drug, so doctors recommend supplementing the course of treatment with hepatoprotectors. In case of side effects on the body, the urologist changes the scheme according to which prostatitis is treated in men, and drugs are selected depending on existing pathologies.

The drug belonging to the group of macrolides is effective against the simplest microorganisms - mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia

In the detection of chlamydia and mycoplasmosis, drugs from a number of macrolides and cephalosporins are used. The use of the penicillin group is also justified in the treatment of prostate diseases.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

After the examination, the doctor decides which anti-inflammatory drug to prescribe to the patient. The active components of the funds help to restore the process of urination and reduce pain.

You should ask your doctor what medications relieve pain and swelling. In chronic inflammation, a drug is currently used with great success, which increases the blood supply to the gland, prevents thrombosis, relieves swelling and improves the process of urination. The main component of the drug is dried bovine prostate. Helps increase potency, normalize microcirculation in the genitals and reduce symptoms of inflammation. Many new drugs designed to treat prostatitis contain this animal component with efficacy confirmed by urologists.

As an auxiliary component, the preparation contains the most important trace element for the male body, zinc, which helps to restore potency, often reduced in chronic prostatitis. Candles can be used for hemorrhoids and damage to the intestinal mucosa.

Drugs with analgesic effect

The pain that occurs during the exacerbation of the disease helps to eliminate drugs with analgesic effect.

NSAIDs have a good effect, which quickly penetrates the prostate gland and has an analgesic effect.

In inflammatory processes, accompanied by serious problems with urine flow, urologists prescribe muscle relaxants, which help to relax the muscle tissues of the prostate and bladder and restore urination. The drug is also used in hypertension, with a tendency to low blood pressure and liver damage, it is contraindicated.

Folk ways

Doctors do not deny the effectiveness of folk recipes in the treatment of prostatitis. Various decoctions can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. In case of heaviness and discomfort in the pelvis, chamomile, St. John's wort and thyme are used. It is useful to add honey to the prepared medicinal drinks.

From decoctions of these same plants you can make therapeutic enemas, baths. Before the procedure it is useful to add 5-8 drops of essential oil of lavender or tea tree to the water collected in the vessel. Sometimes doctors recommend taking baths with coniferous concentrate. In prostatitis it is not necessary to allow hypothermia, therefore, when it cools down, it is advisable to add hot water to the bath. The duration of the bath is on average 20 minutes.

When symptoms of prostatitis appear, you can buy candles that include honey and propolis.

These products are very useful because they have a pronounced antiseptic effect. Some men make their own suppositories using wax and honey.

Various tinctures also have a beneficial effect. They are prepared from plants, aspen bark, propolis. Remember that natural ingredients can cause an allergic reaction. This method of treatment should not be used if the man has a high sensitivity to herbs. Honey is also highly allergic and should not be used if you are allergic to other bee products. If no such reactions are observed in the body, honey can be eaten two or three tablespoons a day.

honey for prostatitis

To remove congestion, doctors recommend prostate massage. This procedure is performed with a finger placed in the rectum or a special device, the cost of which depends directly on the number of functions. The device can be equipped with a vibrating mechanism. Such an effect is useful in swelling and stagnation of prostate secretion in the gland. All medical procedures should be performed only after a complete examination and consultation with a urologist.