Drugs for prostatitis: pharmacological groups of cheap and effective drugs

The cure for prostatitis in men can be found in almost every pharmacy. The choice of types of drugs and remedies impresses with its breadth and variety. However, each of them has its own pharmacological effect on the man's body, so the choice of a particular type should be made exclusively by a specialist, and the chosen drug should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

drugs for prostatitis

Pharmacological groups of drugs

The list of groups of drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate looks like this:

  1. Antibiotics. Their action is aimed at eliminating microorganisms that have become the cause of the disease. They are all used only when a bacterial infection has been identified as the cause of prostatitis. Three main classes of antibiotics are commonly used: penicillins, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinolones.
  2. Antivirusmedicines. They are used when the cause of prostatitis is a viral infection.
  3. Alpha blockers. They help to relax the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate and facilitate the flow of urine in the patient. They can completely suppress the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which provokes uncontrolled contractions of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. There are drugs that specifically affect the sympathetic nervous system, stopping only its effect on the prostate.
  4. Non-steroidsdrugs with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Such therapy stops the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, reduces the tone of the muscles of the organ and perineum.
  5. Hormonalmedicines. They are designed to treat inflammation, reduce swelling of the body, normalize the process of excretion of urine.
  6. Phytotherapeuticdosage forms. Made with natural plant ingredients. They are an excellent way to reduce inflammation, relieve prostate swelling, reduce pain and discomfort.

Types of drugs

Today in pharmacies you can buy the following types of drugs, distinguished by the method and place of exposure:

  1. Tablets and capsules. The difference between these forms is in their structure - in the first the consistency is thick, while in the second the structure consists of a gelatin shell and the medicine contained inside. Both dosage forms are taken orally (orally) orally before, during or after a meal. In addition, some medications need to be washed off with liquid (water);
  2. Solutions for injection (injections). When using this type of therapy, the penetration of the drug into the body is almost instantaneous. Intramuscular administration is most commonly used, although some solutions are administered intravenously;
  3. Candles- This is another effective way to treat prostatitis. The advantages of rectal suppositories are that they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They are injected directly into the rectum, during which time the patient should lie on his side and remain in this position for at least half an hour after administration of the drug. During this time, the suppository has time to dissolve and be absorbed by the mucosa. The course of treatment is usually 5-10 days;
  4. Instillations. They are used quite rarely and only in the hospital. The reason for this was the method of administration, thanks to which the drug is delivered almost to the site of inflammation and therefore the latter passes quickly. The drug is injected through the urethra, ie the man's penis, using a catheter. This is only possible in an inpatient setting and only by experienced medical staff;
  5. Microenemas- This is another type of medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate. These dosage forms are based on herbal decoctions and their main advantage is the anti-inflammatory effect. It is true that there is one thing, but not all doctors recognize this type of treatment as a complete medicine. They consider microenemas to be one of the means of alternative medicine, suitable only for the prevention of prostatitis in men.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes diagnostic tests to the patient and performs an examination.

Depending on what symptoms of the disease are observed, at what stage is prostatitis and how far it goes, the type and mode of treatment is determined. For each form of prostate inflammation, the therapies and medications used will be different. It is important to consider the following factors:

  • a man suffers from chronic or acute prostatitis;
  • what pathogen provokes the appearance of prostatitis: infection, pathogenic microorganism;
  • individual intolerance to certain drugs or their components.

Then we briefly consider the drugs for inflammation of the prostate with all their advantages and disadvantages.

The most effective drugs

Inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of discomfort to men suffering from this disease. Even more dangerous are the consequences of prostatitis - impotence, loss of the ability to conceive a child, cancer, the spread of the inflammatory process throughout the genitourinary system. Depending on the etiology of the disease in each case, the urologist prescribes the most effective drugs for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Tablets from the group of penicillin antibiotics

This medicine for prostatitis from the group of penicillin antibiotics is available in the form of tablets and powder for solution for injection. It is used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. The daily dose in the treatment of tablets is 2-4 g or 4-8 pieces per day, every 4-6 hours, 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days. The dosing regimen is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

The following contraindications are taken into account during treatment:

  • kidney failure;
  • allergic reactions and their complications in the form of bronchial asthma;
  • enterocolitis on the background of antibiotics.

During use, side effects may occur in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Sulfonamide tablets

This is probably the most effective drug for prostatitis today from the group of sulfonamides. It acts on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as on some types of protozoa. The drug is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear after 10-12 days after starting treatment.

The course of treatment takes at least 3 weeks. The regimen depends on the severity of the disease (chosen by the doctor) and looks like this:

  • 1/2 tablet at night;
  • 1 tablet at night;
  • one tablet in the morning and evening.

Regular sexual intercourse during this course is recommended to stimulate the metabolism in the prostate tissue.

Side Effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tremor;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • alergy;
  • rarely disorders of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis.

Contraindications to the drug are renal and hepatic failure, diseases of the hematopoietic system, pathology of the thyroid gland, individual intolerance.

Another significant disadvantage is the high price.

homeopathic medicine

Homeopathic medicine is available in the form of lozenges used as analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Eliminates edema and restores normal prostate function, has a positive effect on urodynamics, reduces dysuria.

The drug has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • necrosis of glandular tissues;
  • prostate cancer.

The course of treatment takes about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at the same time, separating the time of taking the drug from the diet. Dissolve in the mouth, take 2 times a day before and after sleep. In severe symptoms, you can take pills up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment, if necessary, is repeated after 1-4 months of rest.


This phytopreparation is used to stop dysuric phenomena in chronic prostatitis. Its main active ingredient is an alcoholic extract of the fruits of the sabal palm. The drug is available in the form of capsules containing a liquid with a characteristic odor. Corrects urinary disorders and dysuric phenomena caused by prostatitis.

This drug is taken 1 capsule daily after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications to use - individual intolerance, very rarely side effects in the form of allergies, stomach pain.

Immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory action

This drug is used as an immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory action. The drug increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stimulates the activity of macrophages, neutrophils, which leads to normalization of the condition of tissues and organs. The tool can be combined with a course of antibiotic therapy.

Suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis are used 2 times a day, 1 piece on the first day of treatment and then 1 piece every other day. The duration of the course depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, an average of 10-15 suppositories.

The drug is compatible with other drugs, no cases of overdose with this drug have been reported. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, very rarely a side effect such as an allergic reaction.

Nutritional supplement for men

BAA contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and extracts of plant origin:

  • nettle root;
  • African plum peel;
  • ginseng root;
  • ginkgo biloba leaves;
  • fruit of the dwarf palm.

This balanced composition improves the general condition of the body in general and the genitourinary system in particular, prevents excessive expansion of prostate tissue, reduces swelling and reduces the effects of dysuria.

The product is available in the form of capsules, which are taken in a monthly course of 1 piece per day with food. If necessary, the course is repeated after 3 months. The drug is well tolerated, not recommended for use in hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, high blood pressure, insomnia.

Faced with such a problem as prostatitis, do not be upset ahead of time. You need to urgently consult a doctor, pass all the necessary tests and undergo a thorough examination. Based on these data, the urologist will be able to prescribe adequate and effective treatment.